From my kitchen to yours-Delicuious Food to Share


Fresh inspiration

Find an afforbable, quick and easy meal to make for dinner

Get to know me

Hello, hello! Welcome to Meals to Share, where the food is always delicious, and the stories are just as tasty. I’m thrilled you’re here, and I can’t wait to share my culinary adventures with you.

My name is Dalia, and I’m the mastermind behind the recipes you’ll find on this blog. Cooking has been a passion of mine since I was knee-high to a grasshopper. I dreamed of opening a restaurant and sharing my creations with the world. And while that dream did come true, it quickly turned into a nightmare.

But that’s all ancient history now. In the summer of 2019, I became a stay-at-home mom after losing my job. I needed a way to make ends meet, and I knew it was time to reignite my love for cooking. So, I set out to create Meals to Share, a space where I could share my culinary experiments with all of you.

My cooking style is all about creativity, inspiration, and life. There’s nothing more satisfying than seeing someone enjoy a meal that I’ve prepared. I admit, I can be a bit of a free spirit in the kitchen, which means I don’t always keep track of the exact measurements of my ingredients. But that’s where this blog comes in handy – I get to record all my recipes for you to enjoy!

Now, I know times are tough, and food costs are skyrocketing. That’s why most of my recipes use easy-to-find, affordable ingredients that won’t break the bank. And if you’re a meat lover like me, you’re in luck. I cook up plenty of chicken, beef, pork, and seafood dishes that are sure to satisfy your cravings.

As a Cuban living in America, my cooking style is an exciting blend of both cultures. I love to experiment with different spices and seasonings, so you never know what kind of flavors you might find in my recipes.

So, what are you waiting for? Let’s get cooking! Grab your apron, fire up the stove, and let’s dive into some delicious meals together. I promise it’ll be a wild ride.

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